Code;Zone horaire;Langues;Expérience (années);Tools and Technologies;Tests; Langages de programmation;Disponibilité;Type de contrat;
06/001;CET +1;English - Upper-Intermediate;5+;iOS, Watch OS, MacOS, RxSwift, ReactiveCocoa, ARKit, SceneKit, SpriteKit, Metal, Jenkins, GitLab, TestFlight, Fabric, SQLite, Realm, Core Data, Jira, Redmine, Crashlytics, Firebase Analytics, CocoaPods, Sourcery , Xcode Templates, TestFlight, Fabric, Firebase, QuickBlox BaaS, Push Notifications,UIKit, CoreAnimation, CoreGraphics, MapKit, GoogleMaps, HealthKit, Core Data, RxSwift,HydraAsync, AFNetworking, Alamofire, PromiseKit, ObjectMapper, SnapKit, IGListKit, Realm, XCTest, Quick+Nimble, OHHTTPStubs, React Native, Redux, MobX, Redux-saga, Reselect, Apollo, GraphQL, ES6, Jest, Node.JS, Express.JS, Lodash, Rambda, Recompose, Dart, Flutter;Unit;Swift, Objective-C, JavaScript;Actuellement disponibles;Outstaff;Envoyer button=
06/002;CET +1;English - Advanced;4;CoreLocation, GoogleMap, MapKit,GeoFencing,iBeacons, SensorKit, MotionKit,NWPathMonitor,Alamofire,Codable/Decodable, OperationQueue,Cocoapod,Realm, Alamofire, GCD, CoreImage;Unit, UI;Xcode,Swift;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/003;CET - 6;English - Upper-Intermediate;9+;Wordpress, WooCommerce, Apple Notification Center Service, CoreFoundation, CoreData, UIKit, MapKit, REST API's(Swift), jQuery, HTML, CSS, REST, JSON, MySQL, Jira, Git;Unit;PHP, Javascript; Actuellement disponibles; l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/004;CET +1;English - Upper-Intermediate;2.5+;AVFoundation,URLSession, REST API,Combine(partly), KVO/KVC,CocoaPods, SPM Core Graphics, CoreAnimation, CoreLocation, Design Patterns,GCD, CoreData, Realm, UserDefaults,KeyChain, Firebase,SourceTree, GitLab,Jira, Redmine,Trello;-;UIKit/SwiftUI,Swift;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/005;CET +1;English - Pre-Intermediate;8+;XCode, iOS SDK, FireBase, Fabric, Rest API, Google SDK, Cocoa Touch,Multi-threading, Facebook SDK, UIKit, Git versions, Jira, Plist, NSUserDefaults, Alamorfire, Mantle, Dependency injection, Viper, MVC, Redux, React Objective C, RACObjC, RDXObjC, Data driven, Typhoon, Masonry, Motif, JustRoute, Generamba, NGRValidation;-;Objective C, SwiftUI, Swift;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/006;CET;English - Upper-Intermediate,Ukrainian - Fluent, Russian - Fluent;4+; RxSwift, OOP, GCD, ARC, Firebase, PushNotifications, CocoaPods,Cartage, JSON, SwiftyJSON, REST API, Alamofire, Eureka, Stripe, In-App Purchase, MVC, MVVM, VIPER, UIKit, Autolayout, MapKit, CoreLocation, Realm,CoreData, Vision, MLModel,Swinject, Quick, Nimble Git, Jira;-;SwiftUI,Swift;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/007;CET +1;English - Intermediate;2.5+;Git, Jira, SOLID, JSON, CocoaPods, SPM, CoreData, Autolayout, CoreLocation, MapKit, REST API, WebSocket, UIKit, Alamofire, MVC, MVVM, Combine, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Firebase Authentication, Cloud Storage for Firebase, Google Maps, Google Place, Local/Push notification, Stripe, AWS(Cognito), KYC Identity Verification, Wearw, In-App Purchase, Social networks SDK, Fastlane, publication in the AppStore. Flutter, Dart, Firebase, Provider, Block, rest API calls;-;Swift,SwiftUI;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/008;CET +1;English - Intermediate;10+;Scrum, Jira, SignalR, ProtoBuff, Social API, CoreData,MapKit, Cocoapods, Client-Server based app, ARM, QT-framework, Git, SVN, OOP, GPS, GSM, CAN, UART,CoreData, MySQL, MacOS, Ubuntu Linux, xCode, Figma, PHP Storm.IAR embedded workbench, ARM Developer Suite, Keil, C++Builder XE3, QT, Code:Blocks, JetBrains PhpStorm,uCOS, FreeRTOS, IAR-RTOS;-;Swift, SwiftUI, PHP, C, C++, ARM ASM,PHP, Symfony 2-3, Bootstrap, REST;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/009;CET +1;English - Intermediate;8+;XCODE interface building, MapKit, CoreLocation, CoreGraphic, ARKit, CoreData, Social, JSON, WatchKit, Localization, StoreKit, Stream (FTP & Telnet connections), Background Remote notifications, Facebook SDK, CloudKitsynchronize to private and public containers, KeyChains, SPM andCocoaPods, GIT, Garmin GPS files import to iOS devices, interface graphicdesign in Adobe Photoshop, Pages, Xcode instruments, HTML, FTPclients, Linux-based set top boxes connecting to iOS;-;SWIFT;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/010;CET +1;English - Upper-Intermediate;4.5;OOP, Algorithms, Firebase, UIKit, ARC, GCD, SnapKit, Autolayout, Alamofire, Realm, Core Data, Data Structures, Algorithms, SOLID, GIT, In-app purchases, CoreBluetooth, healthKit, Apple Сonnect, Firebase, MVC, MVVM, MVP, VIPER, HTTP, RestAPI, Websocket, TestFlight, Firebase distribution, Bitbucket, github, gitlab, Jira, Figma, Zeplin;-;Swift;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/011;CET +1;English - Upper-Intermediate,Ukrainian - Fluent, Russian - Fluent;2+;IAP, Stripe, Apple Pay, Alamofire, Moya, URLSession, Sockets, Realm, Corenata, Usernefaults, Keychain, MVC, MVP, MVVM, VIPER, CocoaPods, SPM, Firebase, MixPanel, AppsFlyer, Sourcetree, Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Facebook, Amazon, SnapKit, XCode, Push Notifications, DeepLinks, MapKit, Multithreading, HIG, Cocoa Touch, CoreAnimation, WebKit, CoreGraphics, CoreLocation, OOP, SOLID, Localization, SwiftGen, SwiftLint;-;Swift;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/012;CET +1;English - Intermediate;4+;Windows, MacOS, MapKit, Google Maps, Alamofire, Keychain, CircleCI, iOS SDK, Crashlytics, Fabric, CI instruments + tests, CoreData, OAuth, GitLab API, Kibana, Splunk, NewRelic,CI/CD tools like Fastlane, Bitrise, Jenkins,Crashlitics, AppCenter, TestFlightFlutter, ReactNative, GoNative, MySQL,CoreData, RealM, Firebase; Pact;Swift, Objective-C, ReactNative;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/013;CET +1;English - Intermediate;12+;Xcode,UIKit, Git, Multithreading, Autolayout/SnapKit/ Code, GCD/Operations, UI/UX, RESTFul, API, Design Patterns, CoreLocation Maps, 3rd Party, Libraries, Alamofire, Jira, CocoaPods, OOP/OOD, Firebase, Crashlitics, MVVM-C, MVC,MVP, VIPER, Push Notifications, GitLab, GitHub, Core Data/Realm, Payment(Masterpass/ Easypay), Moya, Combine, XCTest, Unidirectional Data (Redux), CoreBluetooth, GraphQL, CoreMotion, HealthKit, Social networks integration, Jetbeep;-;Swift, Objective-C;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/014;CET +1;English - Upper-Intermediate;3;VLCKit, Xcode, PushNotifications, MVC/MVVM TestFlight, Foundation AppStore Connect, UIKit iOS/iPadOS/tvOS, Storyboard, Autolayout, Alamofire, Moya, Kingfisher, REST API, JSON, GCD, SnapKit, Firebase, AVFoundation, CoreAnimation, CocoaPods, CoreData, HTML, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, JIRA, Agile, Scrum;-;Swift,Python;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/015;CET +1;English - Intermediate;5+;Xcode, Git, Combine, MVVM, REST API, Push notifications, CoreData, Firebase, Facebook SDK, UIKit, MVP + Router, MVVM, CallKit, WebRTC, SocketIO, REST API, CoreBluetooth, AVFoundation, HTML, CSS, iOS Development;- ;Swift, SwiftUI, JavaScript, PHP;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=
06/016;CET +1;English - Intermediate;10;Core Data, Realm,OOP, MVC, MVP, MVVM, RESTful API's, JSON, Multithreading, 3rd party libraries (as CocoaPods), GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket;Unit;Swift, Objective-C;Actuellement disponibles;l'Embauche directe;Envoyer button=